Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a degenerative disease, meaning it may worsen over time. In the later stages of the disease, symptoms like rigidity, tremor, slowed movement, lack of balance, and impaired thinking or memory loss become more common and sufferers become more dependent on their caregivers. There is presently no cure for PD, but there are many medications available to help reduce its symptoms. When a person is not experiencing symptoms of PD based on the treatment with medication, the person is considered in an “on” state. As the medication wears off and the symptoms of PD re-appear the person is considered in an “off” state.
This study will test the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication when it is used together with levadopa (L-dopa) for people with moderate to severe Parkinson’s Disease. Different dose levels of the study medication will be compared to Rasagiline (an approved medicine) and placebo (looks like the investigational medication but does not contain the active ingredient) when added to L-dopa.
You or the person in your care may be able to participate in this study.
The people who may qualify for this study:
– Are 30-85 years old.
– Have been taking levodopa (L-dopa) medication for Parkinson’s Disease for 2 years or longer.
– Have been experiencing motor fluctuations (medication “off” time) and jerky, dance-like movements of the arms and/or head (dyskinesias) for at least the last month.
– Do not have uncontrolled high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or any other significant neurological or psychiatric disorder.
Participants will need to make about 9 visits to the study clinic over approximately 4 months. All study-related office visits, medical examinations, and study medications will be provided to qualified participants at no cost.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Montgomery, RN
Study Coordinator
Palm Beach Neurological Center
4520 Donald Ross Road
Suite 200
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 282-5546