Parkinson’s Disease Study

We are looking for volunteers who are 40-80 years of age, have a diagnosis of PD, and are taking levodopa.

The 202 Parkinson’s Disease Study is looking at whether an investigational study drug can help to improve movement-related PD symptoms that can occur between doses of levodopa. The study will also see how safe the investigational study drug is for people with PD who are taking levodopa. What is a clinical research study? A clinical research study is a medical study that helps to answer important questions about an investigational drug. All drugs must be tested on volunteers in clinical research studies before they can be approved to be prescribed to patients. Clinical research studies should include all kinds of people as certain conditions and drugs may affect people differently based on their age, sex, gender, and race/ethnicity. PD is more common in men, but the risk of developing PD increases in both men and women with age. We are looking for people who best represent the PD population. This study has been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRS), which protects the rights, safety, and well-being of participants.

About the 202 Parkinson’s Disease Study PD is a condition that causes a decline in movement abilities. Symptoms are often treated with levodopa. After a while, and as the disease progresses, levodopa becomes less effective at managing these symptoms. Patients can have “OFF” periods between doses of levodopa, when they experience more difficulty managing movement-related PD symptoms, such as slow movements, rigidity, and tremors. In the 202 Parkinson’s Disease Study, we are looking to see whether the investigational study drug (when given together with levodopa) can help to improve movement-related PD symptoms during “OFF” periods.

Are you interested in taking part? You, or someone you care for, may be able to take part if you/they:

  • are 40-80 years of age • have been diagnosed with PD
  • have been taking the same dose of levodopa for at least 4 weeks
  • have “OFF” periods between levodopa doses
  • have uncontrolled movements (dyskinesia) that interfere with daily life.

If you take part, you will be in the study for up to 9 weeks. You will visit the study center 7 times. All study-related drugs, health assessments, and medical tests will be provided to you at no cost. Your participation in this study will help us learn more about the investigational study drug and PD. The results may help other patients with PD in the future. For more information, please call me or a member of the study team. By contacting us, you are under no obligation to take part in the study. We look forward to hearing from you soon.  

(561) 694-1010



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